Thursday 12 November 2009

My favourite webside.

really i don`t spend long time in the computer; the truth is that i use this to make works or send some messages to mi friends, so i don`t visit much websides But there are million of side that are very entertained. When i can, i visit the side of Animal Planet: In this web page i can find a lot of things related with animals, of course, but principally videos: i love it. There is a section called top videos and it appear top animals making thing amazing and unthought for they.
In the mayority of videos appear cats and dogs. However, also appear animals wild`s videos and more. When i am bored i visit this webside and enjoy a good moment. I know new aspect of the area that so much i like: the nature and its component.
The against factor of this webside is that i can`t read some text very good because the web page is in english!!!.
For this reason sometimes, when i can understand something, i use the translation to the spanish of the side...........shame on me!.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

My ideal work.

From small imagine that when i was growing i work helping to damaged animals, in a center of rescue or something similar. This one was one of the motivations that I had to depositing to this career. I believe that one of my big examples is the "Center of rescue of primates of the commune of La Florida" in Santiago.

At this moment I project myself in seven years being employed at an vet clinic and at the same time at a voluntary work at some corporated town for example, going out to realize massive sterilizations to left animals or in controls of diseases of risk for the society.But the idea of being employed at a center of rescue at Chile, in my opinion is very unreal. This one clear that this topic is more developed in other countries like U.S.A. or European countries. Would be fabulous to travel and to be employed at a place as the "Dog Town" at the documentary that we saw in classes.

With a work like that, I believe that not only helped to the abandoned animals: to avoid that the people acquire animals ill.

This is my ideal job......